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Nominations Are Closed

From major technology migrations to implementation of hybrid-work strategy, the past year has seen abundant opportunity for enterprise IT professionals to shine. Enterprise Connect’s IT Hero Award honors enterprise IT professionals and teams who go above and beyond their day-to-day communications/collaboration responsibilities to provide exceptional service, vision, and expertise to their organizations. Whether seasoned enterprise IT professionals or high-impact new performers, our enterprise IT heroes will have shown outstanding initiative and dedication in helping to make a difference inside and outside of their enterprises in the past year. With this award, we look to bring these heroes to the forefront as a model to others.

Do you have a client or colleague working within an enterprise’s IT organization who stands out in their role and makes a difference every day? If so, we'd love to hear from you!

The award winners and their nominators will each receive a complimentary Premium Pass to Enterprise Connect 2025!

Note that only those working within the enterprise will be considered; those working within vendor companies do not qualify for this award.